Passive rest will not heal and can worsen the pain and injury conditions on the road to recovery.
The best way out is always through.
Relaxing fascia and muscles through manual therapy, with the “best medicine”, will naturally cure your prolonged injury and pain.
Muscles and fascia are not the only causes of pain. Problems initiated by emotions and internal organs will also reflect on the human body.
Health is not just physical.
True health is a healthy mind in a healthy body.
“Mindful body” will be realized by releasing toxic wastes and negative emotions from the body through treatment.
Passive rest will not heal and can worsen the pain and injury conditions on the road to recovery. The best way out is always through.
True health is a healthy mind in a healthy body. Treating toxic wastes and negative emotions will release them from the body, resulting in a “mindful body”.
We provide one-to-one pain assessment, examination, and treatment based on exercise and sports training principles.
We can identify muscle imbalances, tensions, or weaknesses that cause pain through muscle strength and motion tests.
We personalize rehabilitation training and stretching plans.